Lib Directory

Yesterday I wrote about creating my rake task for the longest streak app, but I made a big mistake in putting the class files that will be fetching all the user and contribution info from GitHub from github into the helpers directory.

Esspecially since these files don’t contain methods that the models or the controller will be accessing I decided to move them into the lib directory. I think another common place to put files like this would be inside of the models directory, but since these methods, as far as I know, won’t be used in the web portion of this project helping to serve data to web pages so I think they belong in the lib directory. Hopefully I’m correct in this, and if I’m not please let me know!

Including the lib directory

Now that I moved my files into the lib directory I need to be able to access them from inside of my rake task. To do this you need to inlclude the lib directory into Rails Load path which you can do by adding the line config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) inside of config/application.rb:

  module LongestStreak1
    class Application < Rails::Application
      config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)

Here is a link to my commit on GitHub addressing this issue.